Srimon Anida

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Welcome to My Portfolio!

Hello! My name is Srimon Anida and I am currently a senior at Thomas A. Edison CTE High School. My CTE track is Web & App Development. For the past three school years, I have been learning and understanding multiple coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Outside of school, I joined a program called America On Tech, where I was selected to participate in a year-long web development and digital marketing fellowship program. I participated in weekly technology classes taught by software engineers at leading technology companies alongside my regularly scheduled classes in school and even competed in competitions such as the Google Infy App Challenge. What I like most about this field is its challenge. Everything is precise and organized. One misplaced semicolon or color scheme affects every little thing.

Below are my projects over the years. Please keep in mind that my senior year portfolio is still in progress and that unfortunately due to technical issues, my junior year portfolio is having trouble connecting. I attached projects to substitute.

Enjoy :)


Senior Year

Hire Me Profile

Hire Me Project

The hire me project was designed to showcase my best qualities and work experience. Although it was professional, it was important to highlight and incorporate who I am into it. Resumes on paper or a Google doc are standard, but as a web design student… creating a website focused on me shows my abilities and progress.

Harry Styles' Pinterest

Harry Styles' Pinterest Project

I chose to remake a social media page on Harry Styles. This project focused on properties of the box model, divs, flexboxes, and multiple class attributes, as well as pair programming techniques. I knew pictures would showcase his life and vibe well which is why I chose to remake Pinterest.

jQuery Game

Minions Take on Shopping

This interactive game is done with the use of jQuery. You must help the minions shop in New York using different mouse events and hope you guide them to a happy ending. The game focuses on personal choices and each option chosen by the user will unfold a different path.

Whack-o-Mole Game

Whack-o-Mole Game

This game uses jQuery to hide and show the moles. To make the game interactive and functional, numerous actions and events are created. The functionality of the game is meant to be a simple introduction to the jQuery programming language.

Character Quiz

Character Quiz

In inspiration from the iconic Buzzfeed quizzes, I designed a quiz deciding which style a person gives off based on certain questions. In this project I focused on using if else statements in Javascript and conditional statements.

jQuery Game

Messages Remake

My assignment for this project was to redesign a messaging app based on an overview of the main ideas from units 6 and 7. Using jQuery actions that accept one or more arguments, such as .text and .css, was my primary goal. Concatenation is a JavaScript method for combining strings and variables.

Meal Time

Meal Time

With the use of conditional statements in Javascript, I have coded a website telling you when to eat based on the time of day and status of hunger.

Log In

Log In

Using compound conditionals, this site shows a log in page coded to only work with a certain username and password.



Using the .empty, .push, and .append methods, as well as a for loop that allows the computer to do the same operation repeatedly, I created a website that shows tourist attractions and allows users to show their favorite places to visit.

Social Awareness Project

Social Awareness

With the use of JS, CSS, and HTML my peers and I programmed a website dedicated to spreading awareness on reproductive rights. As upcoming female adults, we want to advance in our generation instead of regressing due to the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade. We believe in providing women's health care when needed and to protect our rights.



With the use of HTML & CSS, I was tasked with recreating and incorporating my ideas for my high school's webpage. I focused on the use of images and making my school seem more comfortable for incoming and current students.


All Domain Assignments

Projects focusing on the HTML & CSS certification.


Junior Year

Google Infy App Challenge

Google Infy App

This slideshow was selected to be a finalist for the Google Infy App Challenge. My team and I created an app designated to help teenagers such as ourselves obtain community service hours and become engaged within the community. We designed this app to hit two birds with one stone by providing efficiency for high school students and simultaneously helping the environment.

Ear Sketch Project

Earsketch Project

Using Python, I created two ringtones for different occasions. Depending on the person and what ringtone they select from the options, music should play based on genre. With the Python language, the ringtone’s tempo, speed, and beats are manipulated.

App Wireframe

A Caring Community

The mock app is designed to be very simplistic and easily accessible for all students connecting back to the INFY App Challenge presentation. The primary functions are, a map to look up specific locations to volunteer, a volunteer job listing page, and a settings page for preference-based customization, and our home page which provides a lot of basic information for new users.


My Resume

Check out what I've been doing in and out of school!